The Beatbox Academy is the world’s first online beatbox academy dedicated to specialization. In it you can find some of the best beatboxers on the planet ready to accompany you in learning, improving and perfecting the beatbox.
The teachers of our academy will focus on teaching and perfecting one of their major specialties, which will give you the chance to learn not only with the best but also to specialize in what is best for him or her.
In addition, all the subjects are complementary so, you can rotate through all of them or choose a specific teacher to improve to the maximum!
Introductory course
- 4 Lessons
- Custom tracking
- Learning from the basics
- 30min lessons
- Reinforcing material
Collective lessons
- 4 lessons
- Custom tracking
- Group to choose
- 1h lessons
- Groups of up to 9 students
Private lessons
- 2 lessons
- Custom tracking
- Teacher to choose
- 1h lessons
- Alone with the teacher
Frequently asked questions
Of course. Contact us giving us the details and you will receive a coupon to give it to whoever you want.
All classes will be taught in Spanish, although there are teachers who can teach lessons in different languages. You can find these languages in the biography of each of the teachers in the groups section.
Although it is not mandatory, it will be recommended to have a Roland RC-505 device as we will work to learn how to use it.
If you are not sure where to start, you can always request a small level evaluation with our counselor, who will take care of advising you as best as possible for your level, situation and objectives.
For circumstances like this you can request private lessons. These are alone with the teacher you choose and are not restricted to any subject but to everything you want to learn.
Exactly the same as groups, but all lessons will be taught by the same teacher.
The subjects of the school are the following:
Power and stage presence: Tomazacre will be in charge of working on the power of your beatbox and the staging. How to face a battle, act in fron of the public and your rival, generate feedback, etc.
Rhythmic patterns: Along with Adel you will discover how to perform, not only the classic DnB, Dubstep or Trap patterns, but also Latin music rhythms, Arabic rhythms, etc.
Speed: Cubito will show you how to accelerate your rhythms and will discover new combos aimed at being as fast as possible.
Creativity and improvisation: Karloz will be in charge of enhancing your creativity for the beatbox. How to create an atmosphere, such as telling a story or expressing yourself through your beatbox.
Technique and cleaning: Zekka will teach you the most effective methods to generate new techniques with all your sounds. In addition, it will help you with the cleaning of your beat so that you sound the best possible.
Structure: With River ‘you will learn how a structure works, how you should compose your routines so that they are as coherent as possible and what is the best way to make transitions.
Harmony: ADN54 will be responsible for teaching you how to tune and pitch correctly. With it you will understand how to use your voice to improve all your rhythms.
Flow and metronome: Gamuz will show you how to use the best friend of any beatboxer, the metronome. In addition it will also discover everything you can do with it.
Loopstation: Gasu will be in charge of covering all the aspects that have to do with the Loopstation. Technical details, tricks, functions, etc.
In this course you will learn the basic fundamentals of the Beatbox. This includes things like sounds, effects, rhythms, etc.
The teachers in this group are Gamuz, Adel, Cubito and ADN54.
When starting at the Beatbox the part that needs to be worked on the most is practice. In each of these lessons we will show you how to make each of the sounds, but the improvement and assimilation of the concepts will depend a lot on the time you spend practicing them.
The teachers in this group are Zekka, River’, Karloz and Tomazacre.
The best thing in this situation is that you contact us directly requesting a session with our counselor. He will be in charge of evaluating your level and helping you choose the best option for you.